How To Ensure The Best Possible Fit When Getting Sized For Men's Suit Measurements

 Oftentimes when going to see a tailor for men's suit measurements we don't think twice about what we are currently wearing. We may trudge out the front door in flip flops, a college sweatshirt, and board-shorts on way to the tailor. What we often don't realize is that when we get fitted for a suit unprepared we can adversely affect how our dress suits ultimately fit.

Just imagine the consequences when men's suits are tailored to lumpy hooded sweatshirts! Thus, in the spirit of spending a large sum of money and not wasting it by having our suit look ill-fitted, we'll take a look at some important things to observe when it comes to men's suit measurements.

Shirts, Vests, and Sweaters:

• Wear the shirt you intend to wear with the suit. Shirts that are ill-fitting will remain ill-fitting when worn underneath a suit. Furthermore, if a suit has been fitted to an ill-fitting shirt, when the shirt is finally altered, the suit will no longer fit. It is also important to note that suit sleeve lengths are determined by the sleeve length of a well-fitting dress shirt.

• French-cuffed sleeves. In particular, French-cuffed sleeves tend to run longer than more traditional barrel-cuff shirts. French-cuffed shirts also require more room in the sleeve due to the extra space needed to fit cuff links, and that must be accounted for in your men's suit measurements. If you predominantly wear French-cuffed sleeves, you'll want to wear that type of shirt to your suit fitting, and be sure to bring the matching cuff links!

• Never have dress suits fitted for an informal collared shirt. Informal collared shirts are designed to not take a collar stay, and may look terrible with your suit. Suits are a structured look, and an unstructured collared shirt underneath could get bunched up underneath the suit jacket. It almost never makes sense to wear an informal collared shirt when getting your men's suit measurements done.

• Vests and Sweaters. If you intend to consistently wear vests with your dress suit, you will want to bring one to your fitting.

Collar Stays:

• Lose the cheap plastic collar stays. The cheap plastic lapels that come with most shirts should be tossed in the trash, as plastic collar stays can easily get warped or lost when dry-cleaned or washed, and the result can be curly lapels.  stretch suit Curly lapels are never fashionable!

• Select high quality metal collar stays. Wear metal collar stays with your dress shirt to the fitting. It's a great idea to wear nice, metal stays so that your shirt collar will fit correctly and your shirt lapels will lie correctly.
